We carry a variety of devices that can be installed on your ebike to unlock the factory speed limit. You can find tons of information on ebike speed unlockers at EBikeTuning.com. We have chosen a few to stock that we think are user friendly and a good value. Note that ebiketuning.com will not ship to the US or Canada.



This device removes the factory speed limit on your ebike, while still maintaining accurate speed and odometer readings on your display. You must remove the motor cover and plug it in to the correct ports on the motor assembly. This process varies between different motor systems. We can do the installation for $50.

The SpeedBox B-Tuning is a special model that integrates with an app on your smart phone via Bluetooth to allow you to change your settings on the fly, and display data about your ebike.

Prices range from $168 to $350. Our current inventory includes:

  • SpeedBox 1.0 for Shimano E8000

  • SpeedBox 2.0 for Bosch

  • SpeedBox 3.0 for Bosch (necessary for 2020 models)

  • SpeedBox 2.0 for Yamaha

  • SpeedBox 2.0 for Yamaha PW

  • SpeedBox B-Tuning for Bosch



Like the SpeedBox, this device removes the factory speed limit. To install, you simply snap it over the speed sensor unit by the rear wheel. It is simple to install or remove on your own. However, the disadvantage of this compared to the SpeedBox is that it makes your display show an inaccurate speed, and therefore inaccurate odometer record as well. Also, it requires a AAA battery instead of getting its power from the Bosch system.

Price for a badassBox is $210. Our current inventory includes:

  • badassBox 4 for Bosch

  • badassBox 4 for Yamaha

  • badassBox 4 for Shimano 2019

Note that these devices are for private off road use only. You must always obey all ebike and traffic laws in your area regardless of the abilities of your ebike.